CommunityTrainingOlivias Arm Training - Get Your Mind Right

Olivias Arm Training - Get Your Mind Right

7 April 2021


Updated 29 November 2024

"Dont just follow someone because they look good. Follow them for their discipline, for their mental game. Follow them for their work ethic."

Olivia arms

Olivia Gravengaard and Liv Roth are both IFBB Pro's and adopted the pro mentality very early on when it comes to proper training and even more important their approach to energy and who and what kind of influence they let into their lives and minds.

"Dont just follow someone because they look good. Follow them for their discipline, for their mental game. Follow them for their work ethic."

In addition to their intense approach to goals, Olivia and Liv have a NOTHING but intense approach to training. Even with smaller muscle groups like biceps and triceps all-out top sets that they track to progress on is key.

What kind of mental jewels can you pull from this session with Olivia and Liv? Stay tuned for more in depth discussions on Destination LIVE hosted in the Better Bodies community groups on facebook and


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