No Bulk Back Training with Nathalia Melo
7 April 2021
|Updated 29 November 2024
A very common misconception among ladies who want to get in shape is that if they lift heavy weight they will get big and bulky.
Don't be afraid to lift heavy weights. A very common misconception among ladies who want to get in shape is that if they lift heavy weight they will get big and bulky. Nathalia Melo explains that it is not the weight to be afraid of and quite the opposite - heavy weight can set your metabolism on fire and help you to attain that lean physique you're busting your butt for.
Here Nathalia Melo is training at destination with another intense training session composed of 8 exercises performed in superset fashion (each pair of exercises performed back to back without rest until both are done).
"I love supersets. They really get me going."
Nathalia also explains that it is 100% OK to not "kill" every training session or to be ultra motivated all the time. The main thing to emphasize is the importance of consistency and ALWAYS showing up no matter what!