CommunityTrainingHunter Labrada and Keone Pearson - Bodybuilding Camaraderie & Team Work

Hunter Labrada and Keone Pearson - Bodybuilding Camaraderie & Team Work

7 April 2021


Updated 29 November 2024

To be the best you have to surround yourself with the best BUT those people have to want to bring out the best in you!

Keone Hunter

To be the best you have to surround yourself with the best BUT those people have to want to bring out the best in you!

It is a common saying in and around any iron sport whether it be powerlifting, bodybuilding or strongman that iron sharpens iron meaning people sharpen each other until everything from strength to mind power is the best it can be. The sharper one iron can make the other is exactly what it'll reap itself so the better one man can make his lifting partner he will receive in making himself sharper.

This is the type of team work and camaraderie GASP and Better Bodies is all about. Keone Pearson and Hunter Labrada have the common interest of becoming the best in the world at their craft. No easy feat by any stretch of the imagination, however that's the common ground and they hit it off immediately when coming together at destination for a non stop week of training and recording.

"The camaraderie is second to none here. I was making him better and he was making me better!" Keone Pearson
"Keone is one of the best 212 bodybuilders on the planet and he hasn't even competed in a 212 contest yet."_ Hunter Labrada


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