Complete Back Workout
Richard Susaeg is a 31 years old bodybuilding athlete from Sweden. He has been training since 2011 and his current goal is to win a gold medal at Swedish Championships 2021. He is also actively working to grow his own supplement company SSN Nutrition.
"Typically I do one competition prep each year. I spend 8-14 weeks on a strict diet and the rest of the year I'm in off-season, taking time off and relaxing. Things doesn't have to be so strict during off-season."
In this video, Richard will guide you through one of his back workouts. When he works out he always put focus on training as hard as he can.
Warm-up: 2 sets pullovers with rope x 10-12 reps , 2 sets wide chins x 6-8 reps
Dumbbell row: 4-5 sets warm-up , 1 max set with 70kg
T-bar row: 3-4 sets warm-up, 2 max sets with 80-100kg Lat Pull: 3 sets x 10-15 reps Dumbbell lift: 4 sets x 8-10 reps
Reverse Cable Flyes: 4 sets x 8-10 reps