Blaze Bowen - Be The Best
7 April 2021
|Updated 29 November 2024
"I don't even want to compete if I am not trying to be the best."
"I don't even want to compete if I am not trying to be the best."
Blaze Bowen grew up being very active in wrestling and football. He used weight training to enhance his game on all platforms. After having to cut his wrestling career short in college the new division in bodybuilding aka classic physique was gaining momentum. Now Blaze is aiming to take on the NPC Nationals in this division to win his pro status and continue his aim of being the best.
Shown here is his back training at Destination Dallas. "You see your back from the front, from the side and of course from the back."
Since classic physique is known for the return of the aesthetics, shape and v-taper, BACK is a huge focus for Blaze to develop.