CommunityTrainingUpper Body Workout With Bodyfitness Athlete Jackie Masete

Upper Body Workout With Bodyfitness Athlete Jackie Masete

7 April 2021


Updated 29 November 2024

Jackie takes us through one of her upper body workouts for a better X frame.

Jackie Masete

In today's video we are following Jackie Masete's upper chest, shoulder, and triceps workout. Since she is competing in Body Fitness, it's very important to show a well-shaped x-frame and that's why Jackie's main focus is her shoulder workout.

"Shoulders are the main focus that I'm trying to evolve and I hit shoulders at least twice a week."

Jackie is starting with incline dumbbell presses with 45 degrees angle to target the upper chest and shoulders and she is going for the heavier weights in this exercise with only 3-5 reps.

The next exercise, strict barbell press is all about focusing on her delts. Jackie is going for a full range of motion and trying to go as deep as possible.

"When you do a full range of motion, it's going to feel a lot tougher" and that's why she doesn't have any weights on the barbell.

Jackie is always doing around 4 sets in every exercise and in the end of her workout she lowers to 3 sets per exercise. All press exercises are great to build round, proper shoulders and shoulder barbell press is activating all three (front, side, rear delts) heads, and it is by many considered the important shoulder movement to develop shoulders and build muscles.

Lateral raises are up next and here Jackie is using cable instead of a dumbbell."It's much tougher to train side delts in the cable since you get more tension through the whole movement cable". Another important thing Jackie is mentioning is that you have to let the elbow lead the movement.

Triceps is really important in Body Fitness as well since it's bigger than the biceps and it will give you more volume. That's why she is always including triceps in her upper chest/shoulder workout. Therefore Jackie is finishing off with 2 triceps exercises.


Incline Dumbell Press 4 SET x 3-5 REPS ( HEAVY)

Barbell Press Full Range Motion 4 SET x 12-15 REPS

Cable Side Delts 4 SET x 12-15 REPS

Triceps Pull Down/Cable Pull - Superset!!

Triceps Machine 4 SET x 12 REPS


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